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Saturday, 8 March 2025

Lysimachia parvifolia

This striking plant, known in the aquarium hobby as "Samolus parviflorus 'Red'", has only been available privately for a few years. It was originally discovered submerged in a river in Guangxi, China. However, its characteristics align more with Lysimachia parvifolia, a loosestrife species native to southern China, often found along stream banks, ditches, and rice paddies. Underwater, it forms a broad rosette, about 10–15 cm wide, with multiple shoots. In bright light, its leaves turn red to deep red, while lower light brings orange hues. In low light, elongated shoots may develop. The emersed form looks entirely different, producing tall flowering stems (30–50 cm) and long, creeping side shoots. The small, elliptical leaves (1–4.5 cm) range from green to reddish, and the stems take on a reddish hue. Tiny, bell-shaped white flowers bloom on upright racemes.
Easy to grow, this plant displays its most vibrant red tones under strong lighting (PAR ≥100 µmol). CO₂ is not essential but encourages lush growth, along with nutrient-rich substrate. Its temperature tolerance is broad, reflecting its subtropical origins with hot summers and mild winters. Propagation is simple – separating rosettes or floating severed leaves, which sprout new roots and shoots, much like Hygrophila. Still a rarity, Lysimachia parvifolia is an eye-catching red accent for the aquarium foreground to midground. Though less striking in its terrestrial form, its creeping shoots and delicate white flowers make it a unique addition to paludariums and wabi-kusa setups.

Price per: 1 plant with 6+ leaves.

This item can be shipped ONLY to Europe.

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Microsorum sp. 'India'

Microsorum sp. 'India' is a compact and uniquely textured aquatic fern from India. As one of the smaller species in this group, it is ideal for nano aquariums. Like other Microsorum species, it is an epiphyte, meaning it naturally grows attached to rocks, driftwood, or other hardscape elements rather than being planted in the substrate. One of its most distinctive features is its bullate leaves, which have a beautifully textured, rippled surface. These deep green, lanceolate leaves give the plant a unique appearance, adding depth and contrast to an aquascape. This fern is slow-growing and thrives in a wide range of conditions, making it an excellent choice for both low-tech and high-tech aquariums. It prefers moderate to low lighting and benefits from a stable nutrient supply. While CO₂ injection is not essential, it can enhance growth and coloration. To prevent rot, the rhizome should never be buried in the substrate but instead secured to hardscape elements. With its compact size, unique leaf texture, and adaptability, Microsorum sp. 'India' is a fantastic choice for aquascapers looking to add visual interest and structure to their tank, especially in smaller setups.

Price per: plant with 5-6 leaves on the rhizome.

This item can be shipped internationally.

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Schismatoglottis roseosphata

chismatoglottis roseospatha is a fascinating aroid native to the southern part of Sarawak on Borneo. It naturally grows as a rheophyte, anchoring itself to rocks along fast-flowing rainforest streams, much like its close relatives from the Bucephalandra genus. Although in nature it is only temporarily submerged during high water levels, it adapts well to being permanently underwater in an aquarium setting. Its narrow, ovate to lanceolate leaves are dark green, slightly glossy, with gently wavy edges and an elongated tip. The creeping rhizome develops long roots, while young leaf stalks and rhizome tips exhibit a reddish-brown hue. Underwater, the stomata on the leaf surface create shimmering silver reflections. Leaf size varies depending on environmental conditions and the plant’s age. Despite being known in the aquarium hobby for years, it remains a rare find in trade. This plant is not particularly demanding but benefits from a good supply of CO₂ and nutrients. It naturally attaches itself to rocks but can also be secured to the substrate (ensuring the rhizome remains above the surface) or simply wedged into crevices in the hardscape. Although it grows slowly, its growth rate may increase over time, allowing the plant to expand in size. With its slender, glossy, dark green leaves, Schismatoglottis roseospatha is an excellent choice for aquascaping, particularly in stream biotope aquariums.

Price per: 1 plant with 5-6 leaves.

This item can be shipped internationally.

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Saturday, 3 February 2024

AquaRoot Caps

Fertilizer in capsules for aquarium plants. It contains micro and macro nutrients in granules that gradually release nutrients. 
• Ideal for Cryptocoryne, Echinodorus, Vallisneria, and other plants with developed root systems.
• Suitable for inert substrates as well as for enriching nutritionally depleted active substrates.
• Gradually releases nutrients over a period of 3 months.

Content: 16,75% N, 8,00% P, 12,50% K, 1,50% Mg, 0,17% Fe, 0,023% Mn, 0,018% Cu, 0,01% Mo, 0,006% Zn, 0,01% B

Application: Use tweezers to place the capsule as deeply as possible into the substrate near the plant's roots.

One capsule is sufficient for 25 cm² of substrate surface.

The package contains 50 capsules.
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Microsorum sp. 'Spoon'

A fantastic variety of the popular Java fern. One of the smallest Microsorum, very easy to grow. 'Spoon' is named after its spoon-shaped leaves, this is especially pronounced when grown in aquariums without CO2 injection. Then the leaves are slightly shorter and the shape of the spoon is particularly pronounced. The plant should be tied to the hardscape, the rhizome must not be buried, otherwise the plant will rot. Ideal for smaller Nano aquariums and great for achieving a sense of depth in larger aquariums.

Price per: plant with 5-6 leaves on the rhizome.

This item can be shipped internationally.

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Rotala sp. 'Orange Juice'

Rotala sp. 'Orange Juice' is a selection from Massimo Iannella a passionate plant enthusiast from Italy. The Orange Juice Rotala is like Rotala rotundifolia a time-tested popular stem plant wonderfully suitable for aquascaping. Its emerged form has roundish leaves, in the aquarium they grow to a longer, narrow form. Compared with other Rotala species it is relatively undemanding. This highly variable species is widely distributed in the Asian subtropics and tropics; standard variants available in trade are light green to reddish under water, depending on the light intensity. The leaves of the Orange Juice Rotala have stunning orange in the emerged and submerged form.

Price per: 5 stems.

This item can be shipped ONLY to Europe.

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Thursday, 12 October 2023

Echinodorus opacus 'Iguazu 2009'

Echinodorus opacus 'Iguazu 2009' is an exquisite aquatic plant originating from the Iguazu region, which spans both Brazil and Argentina in South America. It is arguably the rarest and most beautiful sword in the aquarium hobby.
The plant is slow growing and very easy to grow and does not require a lot of effort and time for care (comparable to Anubias sp.). This plant can absorb large amounts of nitrates, helping to keep the water safe and healthy for shrimp and fish. It is also known to have a fairly high resistance to algae.
It can develop a very wide and deep root system, so planting in a nutrient-rich substrate (or using root fertilizers in inert substrates) is recommended. This Echinodorus can be grown in low tech tanks, but adding CO2 will encourage growth.

Price per: 1 plant with 4+ leaves.

This item can be shipped ONLY to Europe.

You can find the article about propagating this Echinodorus here: https://bolbiaquarium.blogspot.com/2024/11/propagation-of-echinodorus-opacus.html

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Cryptocoryne spiralis 'Tiger'

Cryptocoryne spiralis 'Tiger' is a unique aquarium plant that is suitable for the midground area of a planted aquarium. This Crypt variety is characterized by long, thin leaves that display an interesting pattern and are reddish brown in color. Cryptocoryne spiralis 'Tiger' is a medium to large sized specimen, making it a fantastic choice for transitioning the midground to the background area of the planted tank. Like other Cryptocoryne plants, Cryptocoryne spiralis 'Tiger' is relatively easy-going, but needs to become established first. We recommend planting this species in an aquarium that is already established as newly setup aquariums may contribute to chances of Crypt melt. Once this aquarium plant grows a solid root system, it is sure to standout in the aquascape layout!
As several other Cryptocoryne spiralis forms, 'Tiger' is apparently a quite easy aquarium plant. Nutrient-rich substrate and CO2 addition are very beneficial for its growth. It is not a low-light plant, the lighting should be at least moderate, and strong light enhances its showy coloration. With time, daughter rosettes appear at the base of the plant that develops a tuft with many leaves and strong roots. The daughter plants can be cut off for propagation. We have not yet noticed long runners in C. spiralis 'Tiger'.
Cryptocoryne spiralis 'Tiger' is an eye-catcher in not too small aquariums, best as a solitary bush in the midground. Its red-brown tones contrast well with light green plants.

Price per: 1 plant (grown emersed).

This item can be shipped ONLY to Europe.

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Anubias barteri var. nana 'Mini Coin'

'Mini Coini' is a really tiny selection of Anubias barteri var. nana. It is still very rare in trade. This plant has round leaf blades similar to 'Round Leaf' aka 'Coin Leaf'. However, they do not exceed a length of 1 cm and are mostly even smaller when they grow under water. This Anubias has a very compact growth habit by intense branching of the rhizome. The leaves are dark to medium green.
As well as other forms of the Dwarf Anubias, 'Mini Coin' has little demands. However, this very slowly growing epiphyte thrives best with complete macro- and micronutrient supply via the water column. CO2 addition is not essential but very beneficial for its growth. The plant needs little light, but with good nutrient supply, it also grows with strong lighting. Especially young plants from in Vitro cups establish best in already cycled, well running aquariums. This dwarfish Anubias can be fastened to hardscape materials such as rock and driftwood as well as fixed to the ground. For the latter, the rhizome must not be buried to prevent it from rotting. The plant is easily propagated by cuttings of single shoots or splitting of the whole clump.
Anubias barteri var. nana 'Mini Coin' stands out among the very small Anubias forms by its round leaf shape and compact, bushy growth. With its tiny size, it is especially suited for nano tanks but also provides interesting possibilities for the hardscape design of larger aquariums. For example, the depth effect can be enhanced by arranging it behind Anubias with similarly shaped, but larger leaves.

Price per: 1 plant with 7+ leaves on the rhizome.

This item can be shipped internationally.

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Tuesday, 18 April 2023

Plantavit macro 500ml

Plantavit macro is a liquid fertilizer for planted aquariums which contains all macronutrients essential for the healthy growth of aquarium plants. Thanks to the optimal composition and ratio of ingredients, plants have all macronutrients they need for unhindered, strong and lush growth. That includes nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium. It does not contain micronutrients, so to achieve the best results it is recommended to be used together with Plantavit micro.

Tips for use and dosage

Recommended dose: 1 ml / 20 L - adds; 2,5 mg/L NO3, 0,5 mg/L PO4, 3 mg/L K and 0,2 mg/L Mg

• Aquarium with strong lighting with the addition of CO2 densely planted: 1 ml / 20 L - daily
• Aquarium with moderate lighting with the addition of CO2: 1 ml / 20 L - 3 - 4 times a week
• Aquarium with low to moderate lighting without adding CO2: 1 ml / 20 L - 1-2 times a week
• Aquarium with low lighting without adding CO2 with few plants: 1 ml / 20 L - 1 time a week

When using Plantavit macro fertilizer, it is recommended to do a water change of 30 - 50% aquarium volume once a week.

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Plantavit micro 500ml

Plantavit micro is a liquid fertilizer for planted aquariums which contains all micronutrients essential for the healthy growth of aquarium plants. The nutrients in Plantavit micro fertilizer are stabilized in several different ways using various chelates. Thanks to the optimal composition and ratio of ingredients, plants have all micronutrients they need for unhindered, strong and lush growth. That includes iron, copper, manganese, molybdenum, zinc and boron. It does not contain macronutrients, so to achieve the best results it is recommended to be used together with Plantavit macro.

Tips for use and dosage

Recommended dose: 1 ml / 20 L - adds 0.1 mg/L Fe + other trace elements

• Aquarium with strong lighting with the addition of CO2, densely planted: 1 ml / 20 L - daily
• Aquarium with moderate lighting with the addition of CO2: 1 ml / 20 L - 3 - 4 times a week
• Aquarium with low to moderate lighting without adding CO2: 1 ml / 20 L - 1-2 times a week
• Aquarium with low lighting without adding CO2 with few plants: 1 ml / 20 L - 1 time a week

When using Plantavit micro fertilizer, it is recommended to do a water change of 30 - 50% aquarium volume once a week.

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Plantavit red booster 500ml

Plantavit red booster is a comprehensive liquid fertilizer for planted aquariums with reduced nitrogen content. It is especially intended for aquariums with red plants where, due to nitrogen limitation, the plants have a more intense red color. The nutrients in Plantavit complete fertilizer are stabilized in seveal different ways using various chelates. Thanks to the optimal composition and ratio of ingredients, plants have everything they need for unhindered, strong and lush growth. That icludes nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron and other important elements useful for aquatic plants.

Tips for use and dosage

Recommended dose: 1 ml / 20 L - adds; 0,5 mg/L NO3, 0,2 mg/L PO4, 2,5 mg/L K, 0,2 mg/L Mg, 0,1 mg/L Fe + other trace elements

• Aquarium with strong lighting with the addition of CO2, densely planted: 1 ml / 20 L - daily
• Aquarium with moderate lighting with the addition of CO2: 1 ml / 20 L - 3 - 4 times a week
• Aquarium with low to moderate lighting without adding CO2: 1 ml / 20 L - 1-2 times a week
• Aquarium with low lighting without adding CO2 with few plants: 1 ml / 20 L - 1 time per week

When using Plantavit red booster fertilizer, it is recommended to do a water change of 30 - 50% aquarium volume once a week.

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Plantavit complete 500ml

Plantavit complete is a comprehensive liquid fertilizer for planted aquariums. It contains a rich asortment of macronutrients, micronutrients and L-amino acids essential for the healthy growth of aquarium plants. The nutrients in Plantavit complete fertilizer are stabilized in seveal different ways using various chelates. Thanks to the optimal composition and ratio of ingredients, plants have everything they need for unhindered, strong and lush growth. That icludes nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron and other important elements useful for aquatic plants.

Tips for use and dosage

Recommended dose: 1 ml / 20 L - adds; 2,5 mg/L NO3, 0,5 mg/L PO4, 3 mg/L K, 0,2 mg/L Mg, 0,1 mg/L Fe + other trace elements

• Aquarium with strong lighting with the addition of CO2, densely planted: 1 ml / 20 L - daily
• Aquarium with moderate lighting with the addition of CO2: 1 ml / 20 L - 3 - 4 times a week
• Aquarium with low to moderate lighting without adding CO2: 1 ml / 20 L - 1-2 times a week
• Aquarium with low lighting without adding CO2 with few plants: 1 ml / 20 L - 1 time a week

When using Plantavit complete fertilizer, it is recommended to do a water change of 30 - 50% aquarium volume once a week.

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Plantavit ferrum+ 500ml

Plantavit ferrum+ is a liquid fertilizer for planted aquariums which contains iron in the form of ferrous gluconate. Iron in this form is easily available to plants because the plant does not spend energy on its reduction as with chelated iron (EDTA, DTPA). In addition, ferrous gluconate has the added bonus of being a source of carbon. Iron plays a vital role in many enzymatic reactions of chlorophyll synthesis. Iron deficiency causes a decrease in chlorophyll production, which usually leads to chlorosis. A symptom of this is the yellowing of young leaves because iron is relatively immobile inside the plant.
Recommended iron concentrations in planted aquariums are from 0,05 to 0,2 mg/L.

Tips for use and dosage

Recommended dose: 1 ml / 50 L - adds 0,1 mg/L Fe *

• ideal for use in acidic/soft aquarium water with lower pH, provides highly usable iron for plants in these conditions, for immediate absorption.
• For the best effect, use on a daily basis.

* The dose is only an approximate recommendation, it can be adjusted depending on the preferred values.

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Plantavit nitrogen+ 500ml

Plantavit nitrogen+ is a liquid fertilizer for planted aquariums which contains nitrogen in the form of nitrates. Nitrogen in the form of nitrate is an important nutrient for aquatic plants. In densely planted aquariums or aquascapes, nitrate consumption can be so high that nitrate fertilizer must be added to prevent symptoms of nitrogen deficiency and weak and stunted plant growth. In some cases, an aquarium with a lot of fast-growing plants can have a daily consumption of up to 5 mg/L NO3.
Recommended concentrations of nitrates in planted aquariums are from 10 to 20 mg/L.

Tips for use and dosage

Recommended dose: 1 ml / 20 L - adds; 2,5 mg/L NO3, 0,56 mg/L N and 1,58 mg/L K

• Aquarium with strong lighting with the addition of CO2, densely planted: 1 ml / 20 L - daily *
• Aquarium with moderate lighting with the addition of CO2: 1 ml / 20 L - 3 - 4 times a week *
• Aquarium with low to moderate lighting without adding CO2: 1 ml / 20 L - 1-2 times a week *
• Aquarium with low lighting without adding CO2 with few plants: 1 ml / 20 L - 1 time a week *

* The dose is only an approximate recommendation and it should be adjusted depending on the nitrate consumption in the aquarium, which may differ for each individual aquarium.

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Saturday, 15 April 2023

Plantavit phosphorus+ 500ml

Plantavit phosphorus+ is a liquid fertilizer for planted aquariums which contains phosphorus in the form of phosphate. Phosphorus plays a decisive role in plant metabolism. It regulates the intracellular energy balance and biological cellular processes by phosphorylating proteins, and it is a part of nucleic acids (DNA, RNA) and the cellular membrane (phospholipids). In aquariums with strong plant growth and a small number of fish that are fed sparingly, sources of organic phosphate are often insufficient, so inorganic phosphate must be added.
Recommended concentrations of phosphates in planted aquariums are from 0,2 to 4 mg/L PO4.

Tips for use and dosage

Recommended dose: 1 ml / 50 L - adds; 0,2 mg/L PO4, 0,07 mg/L P and 0,08 mg/L K

• Aquarium with strong lighting with the addition of CO2, densely planted: 1 ml / 50 L - daily *
• Aquarium with moderate lighting with the addition of CO2: 1 ml / 50 L - 3 - 4 times a week *
• Aquarium with low to moderate lighting without adding CO2: 1 ml / 50 L - 1-2 times a week *
• Aquarium with low lighting without adding CO2 with few plants: 1 ml / 50 L - 1 time a week *

* The dose is only an approximate recommendation and it should be adjusted depending on the phosphate consumption in the aquarium, which may differ for each individual aquarium.

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Plantavit potassium+ 500ml

Plantavit potassium+ is a liquid fertilizer for planted aquariums which contains potassium. Potassium plays a vital role in photosynthesis and many other biological functions within the plant. In compared to other nutrients, K+ is highly soluble and highly mobile within the plant. Potassium deficiency has a significant negative effect on plants. A typical indicator of potassium deficiency are perforated leaves or dying leaf tissue (necrosis).
Recommended concentrations of potassium in planted aquariums are from 5 to 20 mg/L.

Tips for use and dosage

Recommended dose: 1 ml / 20 L - adds; 2 mg/L K and 0,82 mg/L S

• Aquarium with strong lighting with the addition of CO2, densely planted: 1 ml / 20 L - daily *
• Aquarium with moderate lighting with the addition of CO2: 1 ml / 20 L - 3 - 4 times a week *
• Aquarium with low to moderate lighting without adding CO2: 1 ml / 20 L - 1-2 times a week *
• Aquarium with low lighting without adding CO2 with few plants: 1 ml / 20 L - 1 time a week *

* The dose is only an approximate recommendation and it should be adjusted depending on the potassium consumption in the aquarium, which may differ for each individual aquarium.

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Micranthemum umbrosum

Micranthemum umbrosum is a delicate light green bushy stem plant with small round leaves. It is most attractive when cultivated as a dense bush in the fore- and middle ground. A relatively strong lighting with at least 0.5 W/litre is required for good growth, all in all, Micranthemum umbrosum is not very difficult in cultivation. Sometimes M. umbrosum has difficulties adapting to a new environment, but once acclimated it is not a very demanding plant, apart from its hunger for light. A relatively strong lighting of at least 0.5 W/L is required for good growth. A lack of light results in the plant throwing off its lower leaves, or in holey leaves. At the same time, the stems become brittle and tends to break, so small pieces of the plant drift to the surface where light is more intensive. This plant may be cultivated without additional CO2 injection, however, its growth rate decreases significantly, and the leaves grow smaller. If the basic requirements of M. umbrosum are met, it is really easy to propagate. Just cut off a main shoot somewhere on the stem and re-plant it in the substrate, it will grow new roots very quickly and form a stand-alone plant after a very short time. M. umbrosum tends to throw a large number of new lateral shoots, which develop in the leaf axils some centimetres below the top of a main shoot. If you cut back the plant you can further this development even more, and by frequent trimming you can create rather dense plant mats. M. umbrosum is usually planted in the middle- or background of an aquascape. Extremely strong lighting may induce it to grow rather flattish and creeping, then it can also be used in the foreground of the aquarium.

Price per: 5 stems.

This item can be shipped ONLY to Europe.

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